Return X Recovery X Reload
More Murals!
Ten weeks down and two - four more left to go before Vapuric recovers from spine surgery. Regardless, we are already back to work with fresh content, refreshed old content, and as always, a lot more stacking up behind the scenes. Our latest work coming out of the shop is the latest feature for Michael McPheeters. Here is a little background excerpt from his website:
McPheeters is one of the first mentors for the foundations of VOA back in 2013 alongside DTOX and the other Davies brothers. We are proud to lend a hand in documenting and promoting his latest and greatest works while representing the talent of Dallas! We have included a few of the images here in the post, however, these and many more can be previewed at his official website:
The above image of McPheeter's work was, hands down, the most trying photo challenge of our career! This wall exists in a narrow hallway of maybe 5 ft. in width whilst the mural itself must have been roughly 15 ft. or more. Even more complicated, the only lighting for the hallway came from three or four hanging lights which were suspended three feet from the ceiling. Because the lights were suspended, the fixtures hung directly in front of Bill Murray's face and the DeLorean from "Back to the Future." To top it all off, above the "Pinpoint" text and to the right of the DeLorean was a fat air duct traveling through the walls. In order to pull this image together, we had to piece it together one segment at a time, readjusting the flash used as our light source for each individual segment so as to avoid uneven lighting when stitching the pieces together. Once the 20+ segmented images were shot, they were brought into Photoshop in groups of two to four at a time for automated image stitching, warp corrections, and lighting touch ups. The stitching process repeated at least ten times over before getting enough of the pieces together to photoshop the rest of the white wall and pull the entire graphic into the one and single image. Several complicated hours full of troubleshooting and backtracking finally brought about a finished product that we are very proud of! If you ever have questions about panoramic image creation, don't hesitate to share your questions or concerns with us! VoiceOneArts is always open to conversations about accomplishing art projects.
New Music Videos!
Last but not least is our most recent endeavor linking back up with Holt and Apollo for another music video shoot, cypher style! We will be featuring a third artist as a special guest feature in the track and shooting in downtown KCMO on Tuesday, March 27th. Find out who the feature artist is and more by staying tuned in to the official Instagram for live updates. Get involved with the shoot and experience the behind the scenes! Get a chance to meet and send questions to the artists or get a glimpse of our process for creating videos. -
Holt also has an album out now titled "Scars" which can be streamed from SoundCloud here:
On this album is a track titled "All Summer," which was our last video production to shoot before going underground for Vapur's recovery out of state at the end of 2017. Now that we are back in action, you can expect the release of this cinematic production for Holt, featuring Apollo and Jemz to happen roughly a month after we drop this up and coming cypher video. Release date TBA!
To keep up with the artists themselves, follow their Facebook pages below:
...[Side Note: We WILL be returning the "Panel Poppin'" video to YouTube ASAP, not to mention, preparing for the big release of "Rusto Formula," the second official music video for the album and the latest and greatest production of Poluigi: The Hobo Clown! So stay tuned for promos and release dates...]
Interior Designs
The best news of all is while working on the images for McPheeters, we have moved back into the studio here in KCMO where the most of our magic tends to happen. Finally being back means that we are back to collaborating with Clogged Rusto Designs, Holt and Apollo, and of course, 1 Dapper Latino. We have already finalized the most recent shoot for 1DL capturing even more of his super-fly interior design work! For loads more of our collaborations, or just to learn more about 1 Dapper Latino's projects and goals, give his official site a good glance:
Morning Juice:
Like and follow VoiceOneArts on Facebook to get the juice as soon as we pour it! Morning juice is a segment we like to throw out from time to time that shares inspiring quotes and music we often listen to while working in the studio. We care to focus on promoting our favorites as well as some of our newest finds or just new releases that we happen across. Feel free to share your favorite tracks or artists with us on the Facebook page as well! -
P.S. - Vapur13 has kicked off the new year with this piece in the alley, and although it may be the first of the year, it will be the last with KE. Vapuric is no longer representing for Krushin' Egos crew and going back to running things independently.