It is hard to say, but I'm pretty certain this is the fourth, if not fifth, time to be redesigning the official website for VoiceOneArts, but for the first time ever, everything is updated and entirely in house! This means the blogging, the shopping, and the galleries can now exist without third party contributing platforms. The new developments allow for the behind the scenes work to get cut down tremendously and make it much easier to focus more on generating the content that needs to get put out regularly; And speaking of new content, we are finally getting the webcam-style speed paintings back in action! Here are two of the latest time lapse paintings below, as well as a link to the rest of the channel:
From here, the next moves are to complete any and all outstanding projects to clean the slate, and start really digging into the heart of VoiceOneArts to bring out all new and entirely original content. We hope to get the online shop fully updated by the end of February, and get back to creating brand new projects. As far as outstanding projects go, the biggest one yet is an all inclusive photo-book presenting every single painting from 2017's Kansas City Master Piece event; where more than two hundred artists showed their faces to transform the city with over thirty full scale murals! We are proud to have accomplished documenting every inch of the paintings so they can be remembered both in their detail and in their entirety as full scale collaborative murals. What made this so complicated, but so rewarding, is that many of these murals required panoramic photographs because they were compressed in alleyways and the like. Once these panoramas were successfully compiled through Photoshop, many of the walls that could not be seen in their entirety in person, can now be viewed as whole, bringing a new level of appreciation to the hard work put into these walls. Stay tuned for updates on the official book as we are still on the hunt for publishers or a print source, and in the meantime, check out the complete gallery for the event right here on; We intend to release a downloadable PDF version of the book ASAP, so more of that coming soon!